Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopy is a common surgical procedure in which a joint (arthro-) is viewed (-scopy) using a small camera. The entire surgery is done through small incisions. During the procedure, Dr. Beyer inserts the arthroscope (a small camera instrument about the size of a pencil) into your knee joint. The arthroscope sends the image to a television monitor. On the monitor, your surgeon can see the structures of the knee in great detail.

Dr. Beyer uses arthroscipic surgery for the repair of most ligament and cartilage knee injuries. Most all arthroscopic surgery is performed on an out-patient basis and does not require a hospital stay. Patients generally go home 1-2 hours after surgery. Arthroscopic surgery is often associated with reduced recovery time and an increase in the rate of surgical success due to less trauma to the connective tissues.

Technical advances have led to high definition monitors and high resolution cameras. These and other improvements have made arthroscopy a very effective tool for treating knee problems. According to the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, more than 4 million knee arthroscopies are performed worldwide each year.